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CoverJapanisch-Deutsches Zentrum Berlin/
Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment, Energy/
Institute for Global Environmental Strategies

Governance of Markets for Sustainability.
Conference in the Japanese-German Policy Dialogue on Environmental Issues October 13-14, 2003

Raimund Bleischwitz / Kanda Yasuhiro (eds.)
2004 • ISBN 978-3-89129-946-3 • 212 pp., paperback • EUR 31,80

jdzb documentation (Vol 6)

The title of the symposium initially has been "Governance of Sustainability," but we decided to change it to "Governance of Markets for Sustainability" in order to focus on the important topic of the integration of environmental and economic concerns. This will indeed be the challenge for giving environmental issues a sustainable platform. As we have learned in many other fields in recent years, such issues can only be sustainable if they meet economic needs. What is the economic potential of environmental friendly innovations, consumption etc.? Do they support or hinder economic and technical progress? The assumption is that they support each other. What information do companies need? How can environmental issues be integrated in their business model? These are only a few questions that have been asked.

Angelika Viets,
Secretary General, Japanese-German Center Berlin

Angelika Viets: Foreword • Raimund Bleischwitz: Opening Address • Yamamoto Ryôichi: Factor 8, Ecodesign and Sustainable Company • Martin Jänicke: Governance of Pioneers—Innovation Inducing Environmental Regulation and the Role of Lead Markets • Peter Hennicke: Strategies for Sustainable Energy Systems and for Climate Protection • Morishima Akio, Amano Akihiro, Kanda Yasuhiro: An Overview of Energy Policy in Japan • Imai Shin’ichi: Matsushita Electric’s Environmental Sustainability Management • Hartmut Fischer: Innovation-Oriented Management and Responsible Corporate Governance "Materials Efficiency and Economic Growth" • Nakaniwa Chie: How Can "Environmental Product Information" Be Used as a Tool for Responsible Corporate Governance? Viewpoint Focussing on the Life Cycle Concept • Holger Wallbaum, Michael Kuhndt, Burcu Tunçer, Maike Bunse: Innovation-Oriented Management and Responsible Corporate Governance • Ueta Kazuhiro: Options of Technologies and Socio-Economic Systems Towards a Zero-Waste Society • Harald Hutterer: On the Way to Sustainable Development and Resource Efficiency. The Importance of Repair and Upgrade. A Research Project for the Austrian Government • Raimund Bleischwitz: German Waste Policy: Does it Provide Incentives for Eco-Efficiency and Waste Reduction? • Sylvia Lorek: Ecological Demand: Consumer’s Willingness and Their Need for Support • Inaba Atsushi, Sugai Kayo, Toyoda Satoshi: Interim Report of the Sustainable Consumption Project in Japan • Michael Totten, Sonal I. Pandya, Hibi Yasushi: Protecting Climate, Protecting Biodiversity, and Promoting Sustainable Development • Thomas Langrock, Christof Arens, Hans Albrecht Wiehler: Creating Markets Abroad: The Case of CDM/JI Projects • Bettina Bahn-Walkowiak, Raimund Bleischwitz: Outlook on a Future Research Agenda • List of Abbreviations • Program for the Symposium • List of Participants



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