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Jeremy Adler, Richard Fardon, Carol Tully (Eds.)
From Prague Poet to Oxford Anthropologist: Franz
Baerman Steiner Celebrated. Essays and Translations
2003 • ISBN 978-3-89129-685-1 ·265
p., Pb.; EUR
As the first book of essays on Steiner, this volume
breaks new ground, and offers an essential resource for future research.
Franz Baermann Steiner is increasingly being recognized
as one of the leading poets and anthropologists of the mid-twentieth
century. The present volume collects the papers delivered at a Symposium
held at the Institute of Germanic Studies (University of London) to
commemorate the fiftieth anniversay of Steiner’s birth. The symposium
brought together all the major scholars working on Steiner, as well as
several younger ones. The papers take a fresh look at Steiner’s life and
work, locating him more precisely against his Prague background and the
English émigré community, whilst at the same time placing him in the context
of mid-twentieth century culture, and specifically in his relation to the
Shoah. The volume’s foundational readings of his literary and
anthropological works enable a rich and multi-facetted view to emerge of a
writer who, as an anthropologist, belonged to the English-speaking world,
but as a poet formed part of the German literary tradition.
Pavel Seifter: Preface: Franz Baermann Steiner •
Introduction • Bibliographical Notes
I. Anthropology: Richard Fardon: ‘Religion and the
anthropologists’ revisited: Reflections on Franz Baermann Steiner, E. E.
Evans-Pritchard, and the ‘Oxford School’ at their Century’s End • Erhard
Schüttpelz: Transformation and Identification: Franz Baermann Steiner’s
‘chief sociological principle’ • Michael Mack: The Dialectics of Naming.
Franz Baermann Steiner’s Critical Engagement with Myth, Value, and
II. Cultural Context: Robert B. Pynsent: Franz
Baermann Steiner’s First work, Die Planeten, in its Czech Literary
Context • Ines Schlenker: Painting Authors: The Portraits of Elias Canetti,
Iris Murdoch, and Franz Baermann Steiner by Marie-Louise von Motesiczky •
Peter J. Conradi: Franz Baermann Steiner’s Influence on Iris Murdoch
III. Poetry: Carol Tully: Franz Baermann Steiner and
Spain: ‘The Prayer in the Garden’ and Manrique’s ‘Coplas a la muerte de su
padre’ • Rüdiger Görner: Shadows and Borderlands: A Motif in the Poetry of
Franz Baermann Steiner • Katrin Kohl: Guarding the Myths: Franz Baermann
Steiner’s Conquests • Nicolas J. Ziegler: ‘To find a language where
no neighbours call’: Reflections on the Reception of Franz Baermann
Steiner’s Poetry
Franz Baermann Steiner Remembered: H. G. Adler:
Letter to Chaim Rabin • Esther Frank: Memories of F.B. Steiner • Elias
Canetti: Franz Steiner • Chronology • Notes on Contributors |