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Copyright · 2024
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Tokunaga, Shigeyoshi; Altmann, Norbert; Demes, Helmut (Hg.)
New Impacts on Industrial Relations - Internationalization and Changing Production Strategies
1992 • ISBN 978-3-89129-483-3
14,8 x 21 cm; 492 S., geb.; EUR 50,50
aus dem Deutschen Institut für Japanstudien (Bd. 3)
New production concepts such as lean production as well as the internationalization of enterprises and national economics deeply influence industrial relations and labour standards world-wide. The 21 contributions in this book focus on these "New Impacts on Industrial Relations", in particular in Japan and Germany. They are the proceedings of an international conference held in Japan in autumn 1991. "... a highly informative and up-to-date volume about the complex interaction of economic and social trends in a changing world and Japan's impact on it." (Florian Coulmas, "Japan Times") "Diese Probleme in einem internationalen Überblick und Vergleich definiert, empirisch fundiert und in weitreichende theoretische Überlegungen gestellt zu haben, ist das Verdienst dieses Buches." (Wolfgang Lecher, "WSI-Mitteilungen") "Dieses Buch kann allen Praktikern und Wissenschaftlern, die sich mit dem Thema der Arbeitsbeziehungen im nächsten Jahrzehnt beschäftigen, ausdrücklich empfohlen werden ... Auch den Studenten der Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften, die offen sind für Fragen der Internationalisierung, Globalisierung und des wechselseitigen Einflusses europäischen, amerikanischen und japanischen Denkens in der Arbeitswelt, ist dieses Buch unbedingt anzuraten." (Dieter Beschorner)
- Altmann, Norbert: Convergence of Rationalization - Divergence of Interest Representation
- Tokunaga, Shigeyoshi: Internationalization of Economic Activities and Industrial Relations - with Special Reference to the Recent Strategies of Large Japanese Corporations
- Jürgens, Ulrich: Internationalization Strategies of Japanese and German Automobile Companies
- Kumazawa, Makoto: Industrial Relations and Management in Japanese Companies in Europe
- Nomura, Masami: Japanese Personnel Management Transferred: Transplants of the Electronic Industry in Asia and Europe
- Deutschmann, Christoph: Works Councils and Enterprise-Level Industrial Relations in German Transplants of Japanese Firms
- Berggren, Chr./Björkman, T.: Contradictions in the Team Concept: Auto Transplants and Labour Relations in North America
- Sauer, Dieter: Systemic Rationalization, Subcontracting Strategies and their Impact on Labour in the Federal Republic of Germany
- Ikeda, Masayoshi: Development Networks in the Automobile Industry: New Trends
- Hiramoto, Atsushi: Subcontracting Strategies of Japanese Companies in Europe and Asia: A˜Case Study of the Electronics Industry
- Doleschal, Reinhard: Problems of Industrial Relations at Plant Level in the Component Supply Industry in the Federal Republic of Germany
- Sei, Shôichirô: Price Setting and Supplier Selection System in the Japanese and Western Auto-Supply Industry
- Sengenberg, Werner: Labour Standards in the International Economy: Challenges and Perspectives
- Bosch, Gerhard: The Formation of Labour Standards in the Single Market
- Kreissig, Volkmar: The German Unification Process and the Organization of Trade-Union and Co-Determination Structures in East Germany
- Capecchi, Vittorio: The Role of Unions in Innovative Small and Medium-sized Enterprises: A˜Case Study of Flexible Specialization in Emilia-Romagna
- Tamai, Kingo: Working Conditions in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Japan: The˜Case of Osaka
- Osawa, Mari: Women and Japanese Society Today: Political Measures with Respect to Marginalized Labour Force
- Ernst, Angelika: The Careers of Technical Specialists in Japan and in Western Countries
- Takagi, Ikurô: The Formation of Rengô and Strategies of the Japanese Labour Movement for the Development of Labour Standards
- Demes, Helmut: The Japanese Production Mode as a Model for the 21st Century?