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Reed, T. J.; Swales, Martin; Adler, Jeremy (Hg.)
Goethe at 250. London Symposium Goethe mit 250. Londoner Symposion
2000 • ISBN 978-3-89129-049-1
305 S., kt. · EUR 38,50
This volume presents papers given at the symposium which the English Goethe Society organised to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the birth of Johann Wolfgang Goethe. It was held at the Institute of Germanic Studies of the University of London on 21-23 April 1999.
- Swales, Martin: Goethe's Analysis of Modernity
- Kohl, Katrin: From Apprentice to Master: Goethe as National Poet
- Hahn, Hans: Kranke Marmorbilder und kinderlose Worte: zu Gesundheit und Krankheit im Umkreis Goethes
- Yates, W. E.: Goethe and the Viennese Dramatists
- Martin, Laura: The Feminine Voice and the Eternal Verities: Goethe's Wanderjahre and its Critics
- Large, Duncan: Goethe, Sterne and the Question of Plagiarism
- Hill, David: The Inner Form of Aus Goethes Brieftasche
- Williams, John R.: Goethe and the Idealists: Der Teufel als Wille und Vorstellung
- Brown, Hilda M.: Goethe and the (English) Landscape-improvers: a Theme in Die Wahlverwandtschaften
- Olschner, Leonard: The Notion of Translation Maturing. Goethe in 1828
- Bishop, Paul: Goethe on the Couch: Freud's Reception of Goethe
- de Berg, Henk: Goethe, Heine, and Quentin Skinner
- Bell, Matthew: Liebe - amor - eros: Stages in Goethe's Naturalistic Thinking about Love
- Taaffe, Ouida: Goethe and Hate
- Colvin, Sarah: "Lachend über den Abgrund springen": Comic Complexity and a Difficult Friendship in Charlotte von Stein's Neues Freiheitssystem oder die Verschwörung gegen die Liebe
- Görner, Rüdiger: Sinn der Wiederholung: Zur Morphologie einer erfahrenen Idee
- Hilliard, K. F.: Römische Elegien XX: Metapoetic Reflection in Goethe's Classical Poetry
- Ockenden, R. C.: "Ein schwankendes Los" - the death of Euphrosyne
- Adler, Jeremy: Goethe's Gedankenlyrik. From "Mailied" and "Ein Gleiches" to "Vermächtnis", in the light of Goethe's principle of "Synthese"
- Stephenson, R. H.: The Ethical Basis of Goethe's Reineke Fuchs
- Menhennet, Alan: "Im Gegenwärtigen Vergangenes" ... und umgekehrt. Goethe as "Historian"
- Reed, T. J.: G-Force: A poet and the earth