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Bauer, Roger; Fokkema, Douwe (General Editors) Proceedings of the XIIth Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association (Munich 1988) / Actes du XIIe Congrès de l'Association Internationale de Littérature Comparée (Munich 1988) / Akten des XII. Weltkongresses der Association Internationale de Littérature Comparée (München 1988),
Band 3
1990 • ISBN 978-3-89129-032-3
14,8 x 21 cm; EUR 49,-
In editing this volume the General Editors were assisted by: A. Owen
Aldridge (University of Illinois) / Margaret Higonnet (University of
Connecticut) / Holger M. Klein (Norwich) / Julie Scott Meisami (Oxford) /
Ann Rigney (Utrecht) / Ruth Ronen (Tel-Aviv) / Steven P. Sondrup (Brigham
Young University) / Joan Templeton (Long Island University) / Janet A.
Walker (Rutgers University) The General Editors are immensely grateful
for the time and effort these scholars gave in order to make possible the
earIy publication of the Proceedings. August 1, 1989 Roger Bauer -
Douwe Fokkema
- Schober, Rita: L'espace comme parcours dans La Bête Humaine d'Emile Zola et dans Une journée plus longue qu'un siècle d'Aitmatov
- Furst, Lilian R.: The Game of the Name
- Ronen, Ruth: Places in Allegorical Worlds
- Zeller, Rosmarie: Bemerkungen zur Semantik des Raums im Werk von Proust, Musil, Kafka
- Ammer, Andreas: Verzeichnung der Begierden: Zur Semantik von Körper, Raum und Schrift in Goethes Römischen Elegien
- Por, Peter: Rilke - Rodin, Cézanne, Klee: die Schöpfung des Raumes in der Moderne
- Barrento, Joao: Die Zeit als Ort: Das erzählerische Paradigma im zeitgenössischen Gedicht
- Cope, Kevin L.: Exit, Intermediary, or Interior: Leibniz, Gay, and Defoe on the Impassibility of Moralized Space
- Thiem, Jon: The Return of Cosmology in Postmodern Writing
- Kiss, Sándor: Deux mythologies de l'espace: Jules Supervielle et Mihály Babits
- Yacobi, Tamar: Dimensions of Space: Isak Dinesen
- Larsen, Svend Erik: Spaces in Isak Dinesen: "Sorrow-Acre"
- Miner, Earl: Common, Proper, and Improper Place
- Andrews, Mark W.: The Return to Exile: Celebrating the Space of the Other in Rainer Maria Rilke and Saint-John Perse
- Sondrup, Steven P.: Spatial Structures in Strindberg's Chamber Plays
- Rieger, Dietmar: "Je me sens un coeur à aimer toute la terre": Espaces de l'action donjuanesque de Tirso de Molina à Jean Anouilh
- Golomb, H./Heskia, K.: Onstage and Offstage in Chekhov's Plays: The Question of Boundary Penetrability
- Duckworth, Colin: From Stage Space to Inner Space in Beckett's Drama: Signposts to Elsewhere
- Gobin, Pierre B.: Enfer et enfers au théâtre: Espaces et frontières, figurations, évocations, modélisations, problématiques modernes
- Stoll, André: Sous la tente du barbare: L'espace de la séduction dans Salammbô de Flaubert
- Buescu, Helena Carvalhao: George Sand et Jœlio Dinis: Questions d'espace dans le roman rustique français et portugais
- Durusoy, Gertrude: Les villages de montagne et leurs coutumes chez Jean Giono, Hermann Broch et Yachar Kemal
- Riese, Utz: Thomas Pynchon's Concept of Textual "Zone": Historical Space with Boundaries Deferred
- Skutta, Francisca: Espaces antithétiques et complémentaires dans les romans de Marguerite Duras
- Klein, Holger M.: Exploring Place and Space in Drama and in Fiction
- Shideler, Ross: The Absent Authority: From Darwin to Nora and Julie
- Ruprecht, Hans-Georg: L'espace-temps de la parabole: Borges et Kafka
- Singh, Gurbhagat: Spatial Themes as Symptoms of Crises: The Poetry of Guru Gobind Singh and Ezra Pound
- Catanzaro, Mary F.: The Space of the Couple in Beckett's Imagination Dead Imagine
- Bueno-Ribeiro, Elian: L'espace politique et la construction de l'individualité chez Graciliano Ramos et Jorge Amado
- Stanzel, Franz Karl: Das Niemandsland in der englischen und deutschen Dichtung aus dem Ersten Weltkrieg
- Fréris, Georges: L'espace réel et imaginaire dans le roman de guerre
- de Jong, Martien J. G.: Espace et frontières de l'imagination littéraire dans le roman de guerre
- Dorsey, John T.: The Spatial and Temporal Dimensions of Hiroshima in Literature
- Matsuoka, Naomi: Atomic Bomb Literature and the Boundaries of Fiction
- van Coller, Hendrik: Border / Frontier Literature
- Mews, Siegfried: Political Boundaries and the Boundaries of Politics: The Berlin Wall in Recent Fiction
- Dumoulié, Camille: La littérature dans le souterrain
- Marras, Emma: The Island Motif in the Works of Grazia Deledda, Elsa Morante, and Anna Maria Ortese
- Becker, Claudia: Zur Interiorisierung der Raumsymbolik in der Literatur der Moderne
- Walker, Janet A.: The Cramped Room in the City: A Setting for the Nineteenth-Century Individualist
- Caramaschi, Enzo: Ville et individu
- Sicher, Efraim: The Boundaries of Space in the Modern Literary Text: Balzac, Dostoevsky, Dickens
- Barta, Peter I.: The Treatment of the Fourth Dimension in the Modernist City Novel
- Dorsinville, Max: Space in the African Novel
- Namowicz, Tadeusz: Wirkliche und literarische Räume: Stadt und Land in der deutschen, französischen und polnischen Literatur des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts
- Haga, Toru: House as a Space of Transiency in Japanese Poetry
- Scholz-Cionca, Stanca: Imprisoned in Boundless Space: Symbols of Confinement in Nightbird, a Nô Drama of the Early Fifteenth Century
- Odagiri, Hiroko: Symbolic Space in the Poetry of Izumi Shikibu
- Bruton, Kevin J.: The Romantic and Post-Romantic Theme of Poetic Space as Exemplified in the Poetry of Luis Cernuda
- Thomann, Huldrych: Raumnot und Grenzenlosigkeit im "Nouveau Théâtre": Bemerkungen zu Fin de Partie von S. Beckett
- Fokkema, Douwe: China and the West: Introduction
- Yue, Daiyun: Aspects of Marxist Controversies over Realism in Europe and China
- Gálik, Marián: European Literary Trends and their Metamorphoses
- Yip, Wai-lim: Modernism in Cross-Cultural Context
- Zhao, Yiheng: The Second Tide: Chinese Influence on American Poetry Today
- Aldridge, A. Owen: China in the Spanish Enlightenment
- Hsia, Adrian: The Revival of China-Reception in German Literature 1979-1986
- Chen, Lichuan: Application de la narratologie aux corpus chinois et européen
- Jin, Siyan: Sept jours nommées et quinze étapes de transformation
- Kilpatrick, Hilary: The Abridgement in Mediaeval Arabic Belles-Lettres: A Guide to Reception, a Pointer to Boundaries
- Schippers, Arie: Convention and Originality in the Poetry of Eleventh-Century Muslim Spain: Reception of Eastern Poetry in the West
- van Gelder, Geert Jan: Camels on Eyelids and the Bafflement of an Emperor: A Line of al-Mutanabbi "Translated" into Greek
- Bürgel, Johann Christoph: Repetitive Structures in Early Arabic Prose, Sacred and Profane
- Scott Meisami, Julie: The Grand Design: Medieval Persian Poetric Microcosms
- Higonnet, Margaret: The Feminist Redefinition of Literary Space: Introduction
- Stadler, Eva Maria: Defining the Female Body within Social Space: The Function of Clothes in Some Early Eighteenth-Century Novels
- Metzger, Lore: Spatial Relations and Subject Formation in Wahlverwandtschaften and Mansfield Park
- Vlasopolos, Anca: At Sea or In Deep Water: Women's Spaces in Perusasion, The Awakening and The Voyage Out
- Templeton, Joan: Woman's Sphere and the Creation of Modern Tragedy: Hebbel's Maria Magdalene, Ibsen's Ghosts, and Strindberg's Miss Julie
- Komar, Kathleen L.: Of Curves and Caves and Culture: Uses of Space by Contemporary Women Writers
- Higonnet, Margaret: Spatial Metaphors in Feminist Literary Theory