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iudicium verlag
Dauthendeystr. 2 · 81377 München
Copyright · 2024
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General Business Conditions
A. Terms of Delivery and Payment for Private Customers
Prices and Delivery Charges
- The prices stated are final prices and include the statutory value-added tax. We reserve the right to amend prices. We will supply our books and magazines to you at the prices valid an the date of despatch. Invoices will be issued in Euros.
- Domestic deliveries are free of postage using the cheapest method of shipment through Deutsche Post/DHL. For deliveries abroad (EU/World), we charge half of the postage costs. If you explicitly request a particular mode of dispatch (such as registered letter, air mail, courier etc.) we will charge you the actual costs incurred for this.
- For the authors of our publishing house, the special conditions agreed upon are applicable. Please point out your status when placing your order.
Terms of Payment
- Payments must be made net within 30 days after the date of invoice bank
transfer. If payments are made from abroad, all bank charges are for the
account of the payer. In the event of a delay in payment, the publishing house
is entitled to charge reminder fees and default interest at the customary bank
rate. We reserve the right to supply our goods to new customers and buyers who
repeatedly delay settlement of our invoices, only after advance payment. The
goods supplied remain the property of our publishing house until payment has
been made in full, pursuant to Paragraph 455 of the German Civil Code.
- If a title is out of print or is not available for any other reason, the
customer is not entitled to have the order executed. You will be immediately
informed of the non-availability of the ordered goods. If an ordered title has
not yet been published or cannot be supplied temporarily, you will be informed
of the time when the title is expected to be available. Orders taken for
titles not yet published or temporarily unavailable, will be automatically
reserved. Unless the order is cancelled, reserved titles will be automatically
delivered upon publication, regardless of time that has elapsed.
Conclusion of Contract and Cancellation of Subscription/Right of
- You can place your order by letter, fax or e-mail. The purchase contract
materializes through our accepting your order by sending you the goods. We
usually process orders within 3 working days.
- If a subscription order is placed, we will supply as from the next
available issue, unless you explicitly request the subscription to start with
a specific issue. Subscription orders are valid for at least one year. After
this initial period, subscriptions can be cancelled by telephone or in writing
with three months notice.
- You can cancel your order within two weeks after receipt of the goods.
The revocation must be submitted in writing (by letter, e-mail or fax:
revocation form) or by phone call within two weeks
after the reception of the goods (Iudicium Verlag GmbH,
Dauthendeystraße 2; D-81377 München,
info@iudicium.de, Fax (0049)897142039. However, the customer has no right to cancel an order for
the subscription of magazines or for the delivery of individual issues of
- In the event of cancellation, you are obliged to return the
goods at your own expense promptly and in any case no longer
than 14 days after the revocation. Any payments already made will be reimbursed to you. In the event that
the returned goods show signs of damage or use, we reserve the right to deduct
an appropriate amount.
- If goods are returned that we have supplied by mistake we will reimburse
the costs for such a return to you. Please return the goods to us sufficiently
stamped and not unpaid.
Place of Performance and Jurisdiction
The place of performance and
jurisdiction is Munich, Federal Republic of Germany. We reserve the right to
revoke and amend our General Business Conditions.
B. Terms of Delivery and Payment for the Book
Trade Prices:
- The prices stated are binding shop prices and include the statutory
value-added tax. We reserve the right to amend prices. We will supply our
books and magazines to you at the price valid on the date of dispatch.
Invoices are issued in Euros. We request customers from other EU countries to
state their VAT ID number, otherwise we must charge you the currently
applicable value-added tax rate.
- The basic discount on books is 30% off the shop price unless otherwise
agreed upon. The publishing house reserves the right to reduce discounts on
individual titles, whereby it is ensured that all customers are treated
equally. The basic discount for magazines is 30% off the shop price. Special
conditions for book desks are possible upon request. We request you to
contact us. We would also be pleased to receive subscriptions and follow-up
orders for magazines and book series.
Delivery and Dispatch Costs
- Delivery is carried out at the expense of the recipient. If delivery is
made by post the recipient is charged the postage. If a specific method of dispatch is requested, this
must be stated in the order. Otherwise the cheapest method of dispatch will be
Terms of Payment
- If no other arrangements have been agreed upon, invoice amounts are
payable by bank transfer within 30 days after the date of invoice, without any
discount deduction. If payments are made from abroad, all bank charges are for
the account of the payer. The customer is not entitled to
refrain from making payment if credit noted have not yet been issued or
account discrepancies have not yet been clarified. If any deductions are made
for credit notes, the date of the credit note advice must be stated. In the
event of a delay in payment, the publishing house is entitled to charge
reminder fees and default interest at the customary bank rate. We reserve the
right to supply our goods to new customers and buyers who repeatedly delay the
settlement of our invoices, only after advance payment. The goods supplied
remain the property of our publishing house until payment in full, pursuant
to Paragraph 455 of the German Civil Code.
Reservation of non-availability/Reservations
- If a title is out of print or is not available for any other reason, the
customer is not entitled to have the order executed. You shall be informed
immediately of the non-availability of the ordered goods. If an ordered
title has not yet been published or cannot be supplied temporarily you will
be informed of the time when the title is expected to be available. Orders
taken for titles not yet published or temporarily unavailable will be
automatically reserved. Unless the order is cancelled, reserved titles will
be automatically delivered upon publication regardless of the time that has
Conclusion of Contract and Cancellation of Subscription
You can place your order by letter, fax or e-mail. The purchase contract
materializes through our accepting your order by sending you the goods. We
usually process orders within 3 working days.
If a subscription order is
received, we will supply as from the next issue available, unless you
explicitly request the subscription to start with a specific issue.
Subscription orders are valid for at least one year. After this initial
period, subscriptions can be cancelled by telephone or in writing with three
months notice.
- All returns must be sent to the address
of our delivery centre: Heinrich Sedlmeier Buecherversand, Kaeufelkofen 7,
D-84030 Ergolding, stating the voucher number
and date and must be in sellable condition. If an order ist made with the
right of return, and the returned goods are received in due time, and are
still in a sellable condition, they will be fully credited in compliance
with these conditions. Otherwise
we reserve the right to deduct an appropriate amount. Titles purchased based
on a firm order can only be returned after prior express approval by the
publishing house, if they are in a sellable condition. We reserve the right
to make further deductions for returned goods that can no longer be sold.
- If goods are returned that we have supplied by mistake, we will
reimburse the costs of such return to you. Please return the goods to us
with sufficient postage and not unpaid.
Place of Performance and Jurisdiction