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Copyright · 2024

CoverKunzelmann, Heide / Simon, Anne (Eds.)
Motif and Topos in Austrian, German and Swiss Art and Literature

2016 · ISBN 978-3-86205-438-1 · 210 S., kt. · EUR 26,—

Institute of Modern Languages Research · School of Advanced Study · University of London



Windows – those thinner patches in the external skins of buildings that function as both barrier and channel between the individual and the outside world. They structure the facades of buildings and hence our everyday environment. They display articles of desire, technological progress and economic growth and so reveal new departures in style, aspiration and attitudes to the individual. Through the built environment in which we live, windows even function as building blocks of our personal identity. This volume illustrates how an item so central to our everyday life comes to govern aesthetic discourses concerned with openness and knowledge. It also identifies how, in the German cultural context, the literature, art and architecture of different epochs exploit the window's potential as both physical portal and metaphor for human interconnectedness, self-perception and the transcendence of the self.


Heide Kunzelmann and Anne Simon: Introduction
Anne Simon: Illuminating Allegiance: the Politics of Fenestration
Richard Littlejohns: Windows in Romanticism: Existential Claustrophobia
Kate Roy: ‘Hinter dem eisernen Gitter ihres Fensters’: the Harem Window as Active Frame in Nineteenth-Century Narratives of Emily Ruete’s ‘Entführung’
David Darby: ‘nicht zu nah und nicht zu weit’: Windows and the Domestication of Modernity in Fontane’s Berlin
Gianna Zocco: ‘Menschwerdung’ at the Window: The Motif of the Window and the Quest for Identity in Four Austrian Novels by Heimito von Doderer, Peter Handke, Gerhard Roth, and Richard Obermayr
Konrad Harrer: The Phenomenology of the Window in Robert Walser
Henriette Steiner and Kristin Veel: A Window to the Black Box: Stories from a Calm Surveillance Society
Heike Bartel: Views Through the Car: Driving and Seeing in Modern and Contemporary German-language Literature
Bibliography · Index · Contributors’ Biographies


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