Japan und Ostasien
Germanistik /
Deutsch als Fremdsprache
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Harald / Lützeler, Ralph (eds.)
Aging and Social Policy. A German-Japanese

2002 • ISBN
353 Seiten, geb. · EUR 45,-
Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien (Hg.):
Monographien, herausgegeben vom Deutschen Institut für Japanstudien (Bd.
In recent years, Japan and Germany have been facing very
similar challenges: aging populations, changing employment structures,
long-lasting economic stagnation, and globalization, all of which threaten
existing social security arrangements. Both countries are in a number of
respects more socially and politically regulated, and in this sense less
liberal, than the Anglo-American economies. Nonetheless, during the last
couple of years several important social policy reforms have been
implemented. A comparison of these reforms may provide valuable insights
into the changing character of "conservative" welfare states.
This volume concentrates on two fields of social policy: long-term care
insurance and public pensions. These social insurances are at the center of
current public debate in both countries because population aging translates
immediately into a higher demand for care for the elderly and old age
security. The contributions range from demographic and policy implications
of aging through detailed analyses on the different reform measures to
specific aspects such as bioethical or regional policy considerations. The
volume is intended not only for experts specializing in social policy
research but also for policy makers as well as the general reader interested
in the current debates centering on the "restructuring of the welfare
Irmela Hijiya-Kirschnereit:
Harald Conrad and Ralph Lützeler: German
and Japanese Social Policy in Comparative Perspective
Arai Makoto: The Aging Society and
the Social Security System in Japan
Kojima Hiroshi: Population Aging and
Living Arrangements of the Elderly in Japan
Karin Veith: The Aging Process in
Germany and Implications for a Needs-Oriented Social Policy
Paul Talcott: The Politics of Japan’s
Long-Term Care Insurance System
Gerhard Naegele and Monika Reichert: Six
Years of Long-Term Care Insurance in Germany
Iris Knüver and Matthias Merfert: Long-Term
Care Insurance in Germany: The Role of the Federal States
Thomas Klie: Long-Term Care Insurance in
Germany and Japan: A Comparative Comment
John Creighton Campbell: How Policies
Differ: Long-Term Care Insurance in Japan and Germany
Harald Conrad: Japan: The Implications of
Recent Public and Occupational Pension Reforms
Winfried Schmähl: Pension Policy in
Germany: Major Postwar Reforms and Recent Decisions
Heinz Rothgang: Germany: Projections on
Public Long-Term Care Insurance Financing
Ralph Lützeler: Demographic and Regional
Aspects of Aging and Long-Term Care in Japan
Sabine Frühstück: On the
Institutionalization and De-Institutionalization of Old Age
Kimura Rihito: Bioethical Public Policy and
the Making of the 1997 Japanese Long-Term Care Insurance Law
About the Authors