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Thomas / Goetz-Stankiewicz, Marketa (ed.)
A Transatlantic Gathering
Essays in Honour of Peter Stenberg
2007 • ISBN 978-3-89129-536-6 · 345
p., Pb., · EUR 38,—
This book is published in honour of the life-time achievements of Dr. Peter
Stenberg. For twelve years the Head of the Department of Central, Eastern
and Northern European Studies at the University of British Columbia in
Vancouver, Dr. Stenberg is the recipient of the Alexander von Humboldt
Fellowship (1979, 1980, 1984–85) and Swedish Institute Fellowships (1979–80,
1985, 1990) and has worked closely with scholars and writers on an
international scale. His creative activities and scholarly interests extend
over several countries: Germany, Austria, Scandinavia, the Baltic States,
the Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, not to mention, of course, Canada and
the United States. The wide spectrum of his writings and activities is
reflected in the number of international writers and scholars who
contributed to this Festschrift. It could be said that, in this
Transatlantic Gathering, much of Peter Stenberg's life and the whole
intricate web of Central European culture emerge into view.
Theatre and Film: the Play’s the Thing
Durbach, Errol: Surviving Oblivion: Joshua Sobol’s
Ghetto and the Yiddish Theatre in Vilna
Hallensleben, Markus: Performativity and Performance in
Pailer, Gaby: Erstürmungen der „Redoute" –
Verkleidungslust und Geschlechterrollen in deutschsprachigen Komödien des
18. und 19. Jahrhunderts
Zaenker, Karl: Humour, Laughter, and "Schadenfreude" in
Wagner’s Late Musical Dramas
The Novel: a Field for Explorations
Karwowska, Bozena: Rewriting the Masterpieces of the
Liudmila Petrushevskaya, Leo Tolstoy and the Significance of Female
Narration in Russian Literature
Petersen, Klaus: "Or so it seems": Decoding Timothy
Petro, Peter: Kundera and Myth: From Mythoclasm to
Reimchen, Peggy: A Walk on the Wild Side: Sexual and
Scatological Language and Imagery in Bronskys Geständnis
Schallié, Charlotte: Das Vermächtnis der Eltern: Der
Absender von Daniel Ganzfried und Lektionen des Verborgenen von
Helena Janeczek
Winthrop-Young, Geoffrey: "Diese Stimme im Dunkel!"
Technologies of the Tropical Talking Cure in Stefan Zweig’s Amokläufer
Crossing Borders – Geographic and Others
Slavenka: Intellectuals as Bad Guys
Ng, Maria: Transcultural Capital: Central Europe and
the Pacific Rim
Swartz, Richard: Wo ist die Mitte Europas?
Intercultural Encounters
Dillenz, Walter: Roommate for Life
Karlström, Lena: World Travellers: Bringing Swedish
Mastag, Horst: I Can’t Get No Satisfaction: Looking in
Vain for Songs I Can Use in My First Year German Course at the University
Rieger, Caroline L.: Shopping Is Not for Conversations
– or Is It?
Intra-Culturally Different Perceptions of Small Talk at the Supermarket
Zeitgeist in Several Guises
Czaykowski, Bogdan: Tadeusz Borowski’s This Way for
the Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen: Fact, Fiction and Truth
Goetz-Stankiewicz, Marketa: Two Speeches in Jerusalem
Kirmmse, Bruce H.: "None of the kinde, of which he is
but hee":
On Modernity, Affectation and Fascism
Kraft, Thomas: Das Luder Literaturkritik: Anmerkungen
zu einem Bedeutungswandel
Mornin, Edward: "Die Sage will ihr Recht. Ich schreit
ihr nach."
Timelessness and Topicality in Chamisso’s "Deutsche Volkssagen"
Mueller, Thomas: Hollywood – Hölle-Wut – Hollyworld:
Cultural Pessimism Revisited
Salumets, Thomas: Does Faust Need Faust?
Taubeneck, Steven: Theory Denial
Biographical Notes on Contributors