Japan und Ostasien
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iudicium verlag
Dauthendeystr. 2 · 81377 München
Copyright · 2024
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Kreiner, Josef (Ed.)
The Impact of Traditional Thought on Present-Day Japan
1996 • ISBN 978-3-89129-491-8
236 S., geb., EUR 45,-
Monographien aus dem Deutschen Institut für Japanstudien (Bd. 11)
This volume deals with interdisciplinary research on the cultural and ideological causes for - and reasons behind - economic growth in East and Southeastern Asia, especially in Japan. The contributions discuss the assumption that - similar to European industrialization and modernization where, according to Max Weber, the inner-worldly ethos of Protestantism was the decisive factor - there must habe been a comparable spiritual basis underlying the successful modernisation of Japan and some other countries in East and Southeastern Asia.
- KREINER, Josef: Introduction
- DORE, Ronald: Confucianism, Economic Growth and Social Development
- TU, Wei-ming: The Confucian Dimension in the East Asian Development Model
- KIM, Kyong-Dong: Confucianism and Modernization in East Asia: Theoretical Explorations
- DUMOULIN, Heinrich: Tradition and Modernity in Japanese Buddhism Today
- SCHEPERS, Gerhard: Shinran's Thought in Present-Day Japan
- OBAYASHI, Taryo: Shintô and Buddhism in Japan
- ASHKENAZI, Michael: Some Influences of Shintô on Japanese Business Practices
- SENDA, Minoru: Taoist Roots in Japanese Culture
- GEBHARDT, Lisette: The Peachblossom Utopia: Taoist Thought in Modern Japanese Literature
- KUBO, Noritada: Taoist Influence on Modern Japan
- FRANK, Ronald: Traditional Legal Thought and Present-Day Law