Japan und Ostasien
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iudicium verlag
Dauthendeystr. 2 · 81377 München
Copyright · 2024
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Befu, Harumi; Kreiner, Josef (Hg.)
Othernesses of Japan. Historical and Cultural Influences on Japanese Studies in Ten Countries
1992 • ISBN 978-3-89129-481-9
14,8 x 21 cm; 342 S., geb.; EUR 30,-
aus dem Deutschen Institut für Japanstudien (Bd. 1)
Die von den Herausgebern formulierte These, daß der jeweilige kulturelle Hintergrund der Japanforscher in einzelnen Ländern den Ansatz ihrer Forschungstradition wesentlich bestimmt hat und auch weiterhin bestimmt, wird von Wissenschaftlern aus neun Ländern im Detail diskutiert. Japanische Kollegen, die mit der Tradition von Wissenschaft in diesen Ländern eng vertraut sind, kommentieren die einzelnen Beiträge. "... this book will become a landmark for any analysis of the comparative history and sociology of Japanese Studies. Packed with insights, it offers a wealth of theoretically informed reflections. The editors are to be congratulated on bringing together this timely volume." (Eyal Ben-Ari, "Monumenta Nipponcia") "... very interesting new collection ... An important book˜..." (Donald Richie, "Japan Times")
- Befu, Harumi: Framework of Analysis
- Kreiner, Josef: National Approaches, Parallel Developments or Schools of Great Masters? - Some Remarks on the History of Japanese Studies in Europe
- Kreiner, Josef: Selected Bibliography for the Years 1965-1990 on the History and Present State of Japanese Studies in Various Countries
- van Bremen, Jan: Traditions and Approaches in Dutch Japanese Studies
- Goodman, Roger: From Colonialism to Thatcherism: Influences in the Approach of British Anthropologists to the Study of Japan
- Beillevaire, Patrick: French Approaches to Japanese Studies: On their Links with Intellectual Milieus and Traditions
- Berque, Augustin: French Japanology as an Objective Contribution to a Post-Modern Paradigm
- Sakabe, Megumi: French Approaches to Japanese Studies: Comments on the Papers of Berque and Beillevaire
- Hijiya-Kirschnereit, Irmela: Japanologie and its "Teutonicisms": Reflections on a "National" Approach in Japanese Studies
- Linhart, S./Plath, D. W.: Japanese Studies in Germany and Austria
- : How "American" Are Studies of Modern Japan Done in the United States?Smith, Robert J.
- Sofue, Takao: An Historical Review of Japanese Studies by American Anthropologists: The Japanese Viewpoint
- Kabanov, Alexander M.: Japan Through the Eyes of Modern Soviet Scholars
- Arutiunov, Sergei: Specific Features and Approaches in the Study of Japanese Society and Culture in the Soviet School of Orientology
- Inoue, Kôichi: Soviet Japanology and Russian Japanology
- Vishwanathan, Savitri: Indian Approaches to Japanese Studies
- Konishi, Masatoshi: The Indian Approach to Japanese Studies: A Personal Comment
- Ch'oe, Kil-Sung: Trends in Japanese Studies in South Korea
- Itô, Abito: The Style and Background of Japanese Studies in Korea